Before getting to know this… I was very stressed of dirty water stains. My house was constructed 3 years ago, so everywhere still looks new, except forkitchen and shower booth. I don’t know why. But black molds and water stains keep on appearing in these places. Really. I have tried everything I can. I spent a lot of money on them. But still, couldn’t solve this problem.
The funny this is that, when I came across this product on Youtube, I’ve thought of destroying two places and rebuild them, if this Living Coat doesn’t work. And I was really serious at that moment.
I bought the product, and I thought that consultation was needed, so I called them several times, and they’ve responded every time so kindly. And they knew about everything. They even knew more than I did, even though I also work in a company related to cleaning service. I really felt that this is what we call professionals. So, what I was going to say is that their kindness and knowledge were sufficient to get my trust.
At the nighttime! On the day that I received the product, I started to apply this to my head-aching shower booth right away! All the metal parts are now glowing with star-like lusters. That sight made me amused. It has been about a week, so I am not so sure about the long term effect, but it says that it needs constant care, so I’m planning to apply this every two weeks. I’ll post a review after about a month. So far, I really thank Pomponazzi for giving me this wonderful painkiller! I highly recommend this to all the ones who are suffering from similar trouble as I did!