
I bought a new small raw wood table to place in front of my sofa as I moved into a new house. My table is finished with natural oil, but every time I place a cup with ice on the table, it leaves a round white mark. I also have a bigger wooden table, but such thing never happened. There was definitely something wrong going on. So, I started looked for a product to solve this problem, and I found Living Coat. The perfect answer!
Pictures I uploaded look similar but I tried to show how it changed in time lapse!

I followed the instructions very well. I applied and waited for 30mintures before wiping. I already applied three times for three days. Now there are no more marks appearing on the table. I also applied on my bigger table, and now both of them share nice matte gloss with better water protection.
I want to thank Pomponazzi very much. Thank you for the fast delivery, and also for noticing me the delivery status with text messages!